Friday, December 12, 2008

Some Juice.

I was driving home a little while ago after a great day.  That one Rascal Flatts song came on the radio... it goes "And I wouldn't change a thing...." something something "Walk right through the rain..."  I don't know the rest, but it made me realize this:  some of the greatest things in life bring some of the greatest heartaches imaginable.  Today was a great day to realize this, too.  I would go through the awful shit that I have gone through 10 more times ... more than that if necessary... if it meant I got to experience the somewhat short-lived, unimaginable joy I went through before it... even if it lasted for only, say, a week...a few months....  With all the conviction I have, I say this: I wouldn't change one thing. I would not give up that wonderfulness to spare me from the pain after.  It was all worth it.  And I thank God from the bottom of my heart :)  That's part of what makes life so beautiful.  
So I guess it's kind of the opposite of what the song is talking about.... but still.

1 comment:

reagan: said...

I have to agree. I think that the crap we go through also helps to make us the people we are. but it is how you take and use the experiences. looks like you are using yours well if you can see the bright side. cute blog btw