Monday, February 22, 2010

A brave one...

It's truly astounding to notice and come to terms with how much of our society is based on fear. Individual minds are conditioned that way because that is all anybody knows any more. Or maybe ever. Right out of the womb we must obey our parents... or else. Then we go to school and we have to follow the rules, listen to the teacher and play nice with the other kids... or else. Fine. That's fine. I'm not an anarchist... there needs to be order and boundaries. But the deepest cut is made when we start paying attention to our faith and beliefs. We are told that we have to check off certain things on our lists... or else God will not love us. We aren't good. We aren't worthy. We aren't worth anything in the eyes of the Higher Power...

Nope. Not buying that. I am calling religion out. It's all about FEAR. I'm stating the obvious here. You all have thought this through. I am actually calling bull shit on the idea of putting God in a box. I believe in God with everything I have. And I know deep down to my CORE that He (or She) has no problem with me saying that.

I'm really not afraid to question the hell out of existence. And I like it that way. This is new for me. I used to lay awake at night and have panic attaks as a little girl worried that I was going to hell.

Can you really...HONESTLY... believe that God is conditional? I can't. Just can't do it. And I don't think that a book can possibly define what we believe is God. Sure, people have extraordinary spiritual gifts and experiences... we have received wonderful revelation... but how ignorant of us to think that's all there is to it. We think out society is so advanced... I think that that assumption is a sign that we are still very primitive.

I think God and our existence is so much grander and more wonderful than we have any clue of. I think we have absolutely nothing to be afraid of. I think we attempt to scratch the surface of what life means...only to find a dead end because we live in a 3-dimensional world. And we only have 5 senses. We poke around at it... scrapes here and there...

Good times.

I'm not going to hell. God gave me a brain so I could use it. Same with you. Fear is crippling. Maybe that's what "hell" is....

Let's just LOVE, shall we?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Holy Shit.

Sometimes... most of the time... it sucks seeing good in people. You see their soul. You see it in their eyes. But that doesn't mean that they see it. Their own fucking brains are in the way.

And then I'm taken advantage of. My "T & A" post if for real. IT IS REAL. I fucking hate men and I wish I were a lesbian. But, alas, I'm not...

I'm not going to get any satisfaction right now about the whole thing. It will be later on in life. People who fucking take advantage of people will have to deal with bad karma. Especially when they fuck around with people with hearts of gold. I'm a good girl. A good girl, and I don't deserve to have my heart thrown around. I'm a 23-year-old virgin, for crying out loud. And I'm hot. What the fuck.

I have an analogy for how my energy is right now: ya know when you spin around in a twisty chair? It's so fun. And then all of a sudden, you stop abruptly and start spinning the other way. It is the weirdest sensation....

So here's to you: Way to get some. I know it's all a game for you. Yeah, man. Way to be cool. You got some sweet action from a Davis Girl. And Hey! You even drive a hotrod. Soooooo cool. Buddy... you don't know who just fucked around with.


I forgive you. And I pity you. You must be hurting inside.

P.S. One wise woman said this... "There are two types of men in the world: Ones that hold your hand and ones that do you. And the ones that do you aren't worth a damn."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dear "Gentlemen",

I dare you.
